Sunday, December 18, 2011

Berlin Poche

my first cover
ma première couverture :


"L'inauguration d'installation de Sean McGinnis, un américain à Paris, aura de quoi vous ammêler les penceaux et pas seulement.... L'imposant couloir au second étage de la galerie - connue aussi sous le non de Direktorenhaus - sera habité de mille fils de couleur, comme un savant tissage d'araignée. (cf. notre couverture !)"

Berlin Poche N° 35 Dec 2011
couverture et page 48

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Special offer to fans + friends

now available

by popular demand and to mark the event of 11/11/11 Sean is offering a special limited edition print of his image "crépuscule" (the giant globe he did in Colorado in 2009)

Printed on high-quality acid-free photographic paper.  The first edition is limited to 10 images.

Many people have been asking for such a print and we are happy to make it available to you today.

This is a special offer to friends, fans and enthusiasts who follow the blog

regular price 115-158€ (depending on the location)

frame size 40X50cm (15,75x20") image size 21x28cm (8x11")

Thursday, November 10, 2011 article on the Berlin exhibit


a great webzine with beautiful inspirational design architecture and art.  en français and in English

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

communiqué de presse français pour l'installation à Berlin

Le titre « somewhere over the rainbow »  vient du film « le magicien d’oz ». Ce film est un grand classique américain qui passait à la télévision tous les automnes de mon enfance.
Plus qu’une institution aux Etats-Unis, ce film peut être une métaphore de ma vie. 
L’histoire se passe dans le Kansas, où je suis né et grandi, mais il parle aussi de quitté chez soi pour les aventures dans un autre monde magique lointain, plein de danger mais aussi plein de personnages bénéfiques. 

Mon voyage en Europe, mon séjour récemment  à Berlin pendant deux semaines pour faire une installation sur place, peut être vu comme ce voyage.  Et à la fin de l’histoire le protagoniste réalise qu’après tout, il n’y a pas meilleur endroit que chez soi,  « there’s no place like home ».

Mais la question se pose : « chez moi c’est où d’où j’appartiens vraiment?  Là où j’ai grandi ? là où j’habite (Paris) ? ou l’endroit où je fais mes sculptures et où je me retrouve moi-même dans mon essence la plus pure ? 

Les cônes peuvent représenter les tornades, une menace typique d’une vie menée dans le Kansas, ou une métaphore pour un événement transporteur, perturbateur dans une vie.  Un cône peut être un tipi, les maisons temporaires des indiens américains des plaines.  Pour moi ce sont des objets facilement modulables par l’imagination, même s’ils sont d’une forme géométrique simple, banale, mais ouverte avec une notion d’infini incorporé. Ce sont des formes géométriques et j’aime les formes simples, même si le résultat global est d’une complexité à l’extrême.

Comme toutes mes œuvres, celui-là est tissé directement dans son lieu et il en dépend dans ses proportions et ses points d’accrochage. 

Cette fois l’environnement était comptait un couloir de 30 mètres de long avec une hauteur de plafond de 4 mètres et une largeur de 2.50 m. 

Les proportions du lieu sont tellement exagérées, tellement immenses, qu’elles exigeaient une installation aussi monumentale.  L’espace, ces particularités m’ont conduit à créer une installation très complexe, où plusieurs formes se croisent et où les formes géométriques s’entrecoupent. 

Déjà dans mes installations antérieures les motifs « moires » sont présents quand les traits de la face devant et la face derrière se croisent quand le spectateur se déplace.  Mais cette fois ci, l’effet est magnifié par la complexité des formes multiples qui cohabitent dans le même espace et prennent leur sens sans regard des autres formes.  Comme deux nuages qui se croisent dans le ciel, ou des esprits qui traversent les murs comme ils n’étaient pas là.  Les multiples possibilités de mélange, de transparence, de dialogue entre les formes change avec chaque point de vue du visiteur.

Pour réaliser cette installation, Il m’a fallu deux semaines de travail, assisté par 3 à 6 personnes mises à ma disposition par la galerie, en plus de quelques amis qui sont passés pour donner un coup de main.

Cette installation a mobilisé plus de 5 kilomètres de fils et comme d’habitude des couleurs très intenses, très fluo.  Utilisation de fils industriels est un élément clef dans mon travail.  De prendre des matérielles de tous les jours et les transformer dans la manière dont je les utilise. 

Cette installation a été réalisée au Direktorenhaus/Johanssen Gallery qui se trouve dans un immense bâtiment administratif des années trente, dans le centre-ville de Berlin, à proximité du fleuve Spree et à côté des écluses.  Le lieu très pittoresque, la galerie est renommée et elle est considérée comme un des hauts lieux de l’art contemporain à Berlin.  
Le visiteur découvrira, en plus de l’installation, plusieurs petites sculptures tissées dans des cubes métallique (40x30x30cm), ainsi que des impressions de photos cousues à la main. 

Cette exposition restera sur place pendant six mois entre novembre 2011 et avril 2012.  Le vernissage qui sera l’évènement culturel de fin d’année aura lieu le 15 décembre. (date à confirmer)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

bo texts/commentaires sur ce blog gothique

toile-gothique blog

Angemécanique C'est magnifique.
"Ouvrez moi cette porte ou je frappe en pleurant"  Apollinaire

As the wheel of days turns into darkness, it reveals the light and hope of spring.

par exemple...

some more photos of the Berlin Project... these I took

"somewhere over the rainbow"
installation in cord + rope
by Sean McGINNIS
Direktorenhaus/Johanssen Gallery, Berlin
Oct 2011 - Apr 2012
photos + artwork ©2011, the artist.  all rights reserved

Friday, November 4, 2011

ok, here come the photos

here a a few photos of the show that my dear friend Taha Moghani took on Monday.  Very dramatic shots, lovely details.

I'll post more as I have a chance to edit and select them.

"somewhere over the rainbow" 
installation in rope + cord
by Sean McGINNIS
Direktorenhaus/Johanssen Gallery, Berlin 
October 2011 - April 2012
installation ©2011 the artist, all rights reserved.
photographs ©2011 Taha Moghani, all rights reserved.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Kleine Vernissage ganz groß !

Sean McGinnis verzaubert heute Abend mit einer farbenfrohen Installation.
Kommt zahlreich und staunt über die Farbenpracht von Schnurskulpturen, die anmuten wie ein Stück eines Regenbogens!
Grün, Blau, Gelb, Rosé fließen ineinander und entführen uns in eine Welt der Fantasie....
Jeder Gast ist herzlich eingeladen das Land des Regenbogens zu betreten.
(Direktorenhaus 2 Og. Am Krögel 2 10179 Berlin)

Berlin Blog - VV4

C’est fini, c’est beau !
On a ri et on a chanté pour les derniers nœuds ! Maintenant on va boire et danser :-)
Il reste encore quelques petits détails à régler mais soyez sans crainte, tout sera fin prêt pour 19h.

Ce soir, voyons la vie en vert…le « vert Sean » bien sûr !

La phrase du jour : Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Berlin Blog - YES! Just finished

"Finished" the installation at 16h30.   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you, Valentine, Satu, Ella who where there at the end!

Now, there's a bit of tweeking to do, and maybe some changes in lighting.

Tomorrow, I will install the cube sculptures and the sewn photos in the adjacent gallery and tomorrow night at 7pm is the inaugural reception.  Please wear green.  Bring your friends (especially if they are art collectors, ha :)

actually, I'm a bit too exhausted to celebrate... will have to get a good nights rest and the tomorrow night, give me champagne.

Actually, I love it, there are many new elements in this piece that haven't been in my previous work and a new spirit of freedom.

Berlin Blog - Sophia - auf Deutsche :)

hi sean!

here my german report for your blog:

Nach einem weiteren, intensiven Tag im Schnur- Wirr Warr von crazy Sean ist leider das Ende in Sicht.
Es war eine super Erfahrung und hat wahnsinnig viel Spaß gemacht- es ist echt schade, dass es schon fast vorbei ist!

Die ganzen neonfarbigen Schnüre haben die komplette Etage eingenommen und alles erleuchtet.

Was mich am meisten fasziniert ist, wie mit jeder neuen Schnur das gesamte Kunstwerk klarer und eindeutiger wird.
Jeden Abend sieht man die Fortschritte von dieser total genialen Konstruktion!

Ich freu mich schon riesig auf das Opening.
Und verabschiede mich mit einem großen Dank an Sean, der in den letzten Wochen viel Geduld bewiesen hat!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Berlin Blog 10 - Sean - Tuesday

Yesterday was a HUGE day.  All hands were on deck.  So the first part of the day was spent showing them how to string and then following them.  I concentrated on the most difficult/awkward places.  We ended-up working until 10pm.  Valentine stayed until the end. Otherwise I had Liane, Klaus, and Morti, with Sophia and Satu stopping by and helping in between their other projects.  Gijs came by in the afternoon and helped too.

So, we got the behemouth going... and made good headway, even if the beginning took a lot of energy to get it going.  I finally got all my structural work/details done in the morning, so I could start stringing in the afternoon.

Today, was even better.  Morti (a.k.a. Mortimouse, a.k.a. Speedy gonzalez) worked on the big green cone and raced through it.  His technique was remarkable... good quality and super fast.  He got more than half of it done before he left.

We got started this morning at 8, when the workers got here.  So I had Liane and Klaus again all day.  Liane worked on the yellow cone, and Klaus on the blue.  Valentine was there most of the day as was Sophia, who worked together on the pink and yellow cones, which now completely intersect. 

This is the first time I've had multiple forms crossing through each other.  The effect is visually very beautiful, but technically complicated to pull-off.

Gijs came back at the end of the day with a friend of his from school, Julie, french from Poitier.  They are both post-doctoral in law history/anthropology.  So for a couple hours we had the "Doctor's corner" in the one end of the hall.  They seemed to enjoy themselves and definitely did an A+ job.

If we get as much done tomorrow as we did today, we will be mostly finished. 

Then there are my small sculptures and sewn prints to hang in one of the galleries.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. :)

My favorite thing so far is the complex intersections between the pieces, which transform each of them and make the space varied and very interesting.  Also, due to certain space-use limits, two of the cones are not fully round, and this is lovely.  It is more poetic, finer.

Taking a calm night to blog and rest, before attacking again tomorrow.

Almost there....

Net tightens - Verkko kiristyy -Satu-

 I took these photos yesterday. Sean's piece is starting to look just amazing!
Kuvia eiliseltä. Seanin taideteos alkaa näyttää mahtavalta!

 Sean's diligent assistant Valentine at work on Friday, above. As you can see below, on
Monday the "cone" had progressed a lot from Friday!

Seanin ahkera avustaja Valentine työssään perjantaina, yläkuvassa. Kuten alemmasta
kuvasta näkyy, maanantaina "tötterö" oli jo paljon valmiimpi.

images © Satu Kemppainen 2011
source : wikipedia

Monday, October 24, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Berlin Blog 8 - Sean

The installation is really starting to come together now... the skeletons of two of the five shapes are in place and the others are ready to go.  This is the fun part.  Hard to stop at this point.

Valentine was my trusty side-kick super assistant today.  She really gets the idea and not only executes perfectly but also adds cleaver sollutions and suggestions.

Was also helped by Liana today.  Started training her on "weaving."  We hardly speak each other's language, but manage to make each other laugh anyway.

I'm sure to continue working this weekend, as the form in the photo you see, took 3 hours to do, and that is only a small part of 70 odd meters of tracery still to do.

I need to be finished by Wednesday next.  Not feeling panicked just yet, but will need lots of hands on-board next week to get it done.  Any volunteers?

Side note : We spent the first hour of this morning, figuring out how to set-up a timelapse shoot of the project.  I had the idea a while back and many people have been requesting one, so here goes.

Don't forget to drop a line and let me know if you are following along.

bises, Sean

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Berlin Blog - VV3 vf

J’ai toujours adoré regarder les enfants s’amuser avec trois fois rien. Alors quand un grand gamin tout vert s’éclate avec de la ficelle, ce n’est que du bonheur! Il est là, au milieu des formes qu’il a imaginées et qui se dévoilent peu à peu, déployant le squelette rose de son installation qui envahit le couloir.

La phrase du jour : Un âne ne butte jamais deux fois sur la même pierre !


Berlin Blog 7 - Sean

Worked 'til after 8pm.. got on a roll...

Started "stringing" today... creating the outlines of the two of the five cone shapes that make up the installation.  What fun, to actually start doing the "art" part after all of the long slog of the "prep" part..

Satu just posted some great photos of the happenings...

the first ones are of all the preperatory drawings, that I've been doing for the last week, with some details of all the layout measurements.  (now maybe you understand why that part took me sooooo long :)

Love the photo of the two circles one on either side of the glass divider wall... one shows the paper template we taped to the windows to lay-out where the 12 points of that cone will intersect the windows.

Also a silly photo of me, as I started the first colored rope.

Valetine was a great help and is a quick study... getting an early start on having a feel for the right string tension, making knots and a good eye for aligning the intercrossing strings.

Now the fun begins...
and the biggest part of the process ...

thanks for following along...

Art starting to happen - Taidetta alkaa syntymään -Satu-

images © Satu Kemppainen 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Berlin Blog 6 - Sean

Latest news : the last hole has been drilled!!!  don't know how many there are, but will count them and get back to you... LOTS in any case.

So tomorrow, will finish the layout of the framework and the intersection points (on the west end as the east end is already done)...

If all goes well, then we will start installing the cones on thursday and start filling in the cones on friday...  the clock is ticking

a demain...

got to finish the drawings so I'm ready for tomorrow

Sean and Valentine at work - Satu -

Sean and Valentine at work In Direktorenhaus, setting up the chords which will work as a frame for Sean's art work.

Sean ja Valentine työn touhussa Direktorenhausissa: he asentavat nauruista kehykset, joihin Seanin installaatio viritetään.

images © Satu Kemppainen

Vison Magazine - China - november edition

Cool news : Vision Magazine in China, its leading visual arts, fashion and culture monthly is doing a feature article on my work for their November issue. Their circulation is 286.000 copies per month... wow, China here I come :) !! sehr geil !
note this is not an online mag... you have to actually buy a copy of the rag  if you want to see the article 
here's  the text from their site which details their work 
"VISION is a leading art and fashion magazine showcasing the international visual art, fashion and culture to Chinese readers. With its unique visual expression, VISION has seen tremendous development of the Chinese creative industry since 2002, exerting
great influence on the new talents in fashion, art and design in China.

VISION cannot be interpreted as a traditional magazine, because it is so visually exuberant and sensational that only sedated value will be filtered after in readers’ mind. What is the spirit of fashion? What is lifestyle with international taste? What is the individuality among the trendy flock? What is the true beauty people look for? VISION never offers definite answers, but provoking these questions is what we always wish to do. 
On top of a circulation of 286,000 per month, VISION actively appears in various public events, giving support to the growing industry in China of visual culture, while more importantly, inspiring a mentality toward a creative lifestyle to the Chinese reader s."

Monday, October 17, 2011

Berlin Blog VV2

Lentement mais sûrement! Lentement parce que quand Sean et moi commençons à faire de la géométrie, on se rend compte que c'est un peu loin dans nos têtes et qu’on est légèrement rouillé! Quoi qu'il en soit, les retrouvailles avec l'ami p ont été fructueuses. Ça avance, ça avance !

Le commencement est déjà loin, l’avancement est certain et l’engagement est serein.

Les mots du jour : krass et Bleistiftspitzer.


Berlin Blog 5

Monday evening.

Although I worked on the installation this weekend, I didn't take time to blog.

I was at Direktorenhaus, pretty much all by myself all weekend, which gave me enough quiet time to work through my idea for the project and continue to lay-out the framework.

This piece presents a whole new challenge, in that it requires that I calculate where the cones intersect with the walls and with the corners etc.  The idea is simple, but the layout is complicated.  I have to calculate point by point where the ropes will hit the walls.  Requires a lot of math and sifering :)

Get to use the math and geometry skills I learned 30 years ago.

My feeling is that once the outlines of the forms are in place, the stringing of the cones will go pretty quickly.  We'll see.  As I've never done this one before, I can't say... there may yet be technical surpises that will have to be dealt with.  (there always are).

In any case, the worst part of the installation is past, and I am now really enjoying myself.

Everyone here is so friendly and it is a good environment to work in.

I went to big Fair of "street art" with Annemarie and her friend Hanna, on Friday.  I loved it.  It was very vital, combining graphity and comic aesthetics with contemporary and modern art language.  It really gave me a boost.  I'm including some pictures to give an idea.

Satu was not here today, so photos of the installation will have to happen at her return.

Still eating outside every day on the banks of the Spree.  There's a canteen next door which has homemade and cheap food and usually go with a mix of people who work at the gallery.  A bit chilly, but knowing it won't last... taking full advantage.

big outdoor mixed media piece

three lovely mininmalist photos by Matthias Heiderich

crasy fun photos by Frank Kunert

 huge powerful portrait on paper by Rems182

Annemarie + Hannah

incrediby fine work by Andrea Chiesi.  the second one is enormous
"viel geil"

and this one is for djaydjo :)

Sunday, Taha and Neda came by for tea and to discover the Direktorenhaus and to see my work.  

Then Sam Tiel and Roman Lukas, friends of my good friend Melanie, came by on Sunday and took me out to eat at Max und Moritz... a traditional germanfood resto that looks like it's been around for more than 100 years and the deco has never been changed.  It was great!!  Sam is an opera singer and Roman is an artist.  Had a lovely evening in their company.

otherwise, my german is improving every day.  I'm having fun enjoying the first time ever to actually practice what I learned in college and what I heard growing-up when my grandparents spoke german to each other.  Feels like home/childhood.
